Email Calvin

Roots Automation

(Launched 2023)

B2B Automated Intelligence for Insurance Companies

Roots Automation provides insurance companies with AI-powered tools that automate document processing and repetitive tasks. As Design Director, I played a key role in both guiding and making final decisions for the overall user experience. Initially, Roots Automation’s platform consisted of several distinct products, and they needed a unified, cohesive platform to support their growing suite of tools.

About Project

I led the UX/UI team, collaborating with product and development teams to create a strategy that unified four separate products into one cohesive platform. I was responsible for setting the UX direction and making key decisions to ensure the platform was user-friendly and scalable to support Roots Automation’s growth. This involved close collaboration with development to ensure the frontend architecture could handle future expansion.

We delivered an initial redesign that served as the foundation for a more unified platform, with ongoing iterations and development continuing to refine the user experience. The work laid the groundwork for a cohesive, scalable solution that supports both current workflows and future growth as the company continues to expand its product suite.

Project Collaborators

Shireen Hashemi
Steven Kadja
Wade Austin
Sarah Devine